
Learn to Belay and Give to the Community

Support Volunteers by Learning How to Top Rope Belay

To celebrate the spring, iGuideKorea is offering its Basic Top Rope Belay Course at a discounted price of 30,000won with a 100% of proceeds going to Daejeon Cares’ volunteer efforts with orphanages. iGuideKorea will also be selling its rental climbing shoes from as low as 5,000won to 10,000won. Come on out, learn something new, have fun, support a deserving cause and start rock climbing! Read More


4 Important Warm Up Concepts To Keep You Healthier and Stronger

I’m at that age and experience level where I can confidently teach from my mistakes (which is another way to say, “Listen up kiddies…”). As is prone to many young testosterone filled men, I thought my body would be young and resilient forever so I made a lot of the mistakes concerning training . These mistakes caught up with me, and they led to a series of injuries and poor health that prevented me from serious climbing for a few years. But now, with a new and healthier approach to climbing, I’m getting back to top form quickly and safely. And it starts with a smart warm up routine. Read More


Rock Climbing Podcast

Rock climbing in South KoreaDue to the technical demise of my old website, I have reposted the Rock Climbing in South Korea Podcast. It’s a good introduction to rock climbing for those of you who are new to the country, and it’s an easy way to digest some interesting history and trivia.
